Therapeutic Hunger: Habitual Mindless eating to Mindful eating

Therapeutic Hunger: Necessary for good health I want to coin this term “Therapeutic Hunger” (TH), to differentiate it from the hunger that is associated with problem issues like famine, poverty and eating disorders. “Therapeutic Hunger” (TH) is the residual hunger that is still left when we don’t eat stomach full.  When we finish meals, and … Continue reading


Sam-Vedan-Sheel is the ability, mindfulness and knowledge ( may be skill) to see different points of views. Be able to feel what others are feeling and our own feeling as well. Normally we have our own point of view and partially or fully blind to other points of views or feelings. Feeling of equanimity does … Continue reading

Digestive Health

Originally posted on bhardwazbhardwaz:
Do we pay attention to our Digestive Health as much as we are conscious of our Physical and Mental Health ? Physical Health: Over the years have certainly done very well to focus on Physical Health as it makes us look good . Indirectly it does contribute to good feelings as well.…

Digestive Health

Do we pay attention to our Digestive Health as much as we are conscious of our Physical and Mental Health ? Physical Health: Over the years have certainly done very well to focus on Physical Health as it makes us look good . Indirectly it does contribute to good feelings as well. We invest time and … Continue reading

Hunger For Health

If you want to be healthy, it is necessary that you are hungry. Undigested food causes health issues overtime and the changes are so gradual so we fail to realise our mistakes. Undigested Food. Any food we eat while we still have hunger is likely to be digested, and absorbed in the body. Surplus food … Continue reading

My Way the Right Way: MYRY Disease

  Humans for a long time seem to have suffered from this problem. Be it religion, politics, business, streets and at home every one seems to think they are right and everyone else is wrong.. Most people suffer from it to varying degree, if you suffer less you are very fortunate. Throughout human history people … Continue reading